Sunday, January 27, 2008

About Me

Hello! Welcome to the Eugene Wine Guide.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Shelly Ivey, and I'm a complete novice in the world of wine. (That's me on the right.)

So why am I starting this blog?

Well there are three reasons really:

1. I want to graduate. I'm enrolled in "J412: The Digital World" at the University of Oregon, and I'm required to create a digital object as part of my final project (hence, this blog).

2. I love wine, and I want to know more about this fascinating and fun beverage.

3. I need something fun and relaxing to do. I'm enrolled in 16 credits at the U of O, work part time for Springfield Public Schools and volunteer at Eugene Faith Center almost every day of the week, so I need to survive this crazy term somehow!

I plan to visit a few of the local wineries and tasting rooms and tell you all about it here.

This is a new adventure for me, and I'm looking forward to every minute of it.

1 comment:

Grace said...

As a restaurant owner and bar manager, I've had the chance to taste wines from every vineyard in the county from the southern most Saginaw to the northern most Benton-Lane. You can't go wrong with any of them. Each vineyard has its own personality and that personality can often be tasted in the wines, particularly if you plan on visiting the vineyards to taste their wines. King Estate has an awe-inspiring estate and that definitely gives you an impression of their wines before you ever taste them. I look forward to reading about your first impressio